Why can’t Hagrid do magic?

lego hagrid with pink umbrella medium

After being expelled, Hagrid’s wand was snapped. But he kept the pieces and secretly re-assembled them inside of his pink umbrella. Despite legally not being allowed to perform magic due to his expulsion, he sometimes performs modest spells. Why isn’t Hagrid allowed to do magic? Hagrid is not supposed to perform magic because he was … Read more

Why was Hagrid expelled from Hogwarts in 1943? (The Unfair Truth)

Lego Hagrid expelled with his pink umbrella.

Rubeus Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts in his third year because Tom Riddle (Young Lord Voldemort) framed him for opening up the Chamber of Secrets. It was actually Tom Riddle himself who had opened the Chamber of Secrets and unleashed Slytherin’s beast, the Basilisk. After the Basilisk killed Moaning Myrtle, Tom Riddle learned that Hogwarts … Read more